| | FileName
| UpdateDate
| AP-GAXXXX_04EV10.pdf | 1.0 | ESD Prevention Mechanism for PCB & Layout | 5/13/2015 |
| AP-TM87P18M-ConvertCode_SV10.pdf | 1.0 | TM87P08项目转成TM87P18M需要注意的事项-Application Note | 8/14/2012 |
| AP-TM8726-InternalRCTemp_CV10.pdf | 1.0 | TM8726 內部頻率RC的溫度測試 - Application Note | 7/30/2012 |
| AP-TM8726_02EV10.pdf | 1.0 | 4-Bite Microcontroller Application Note-
TM8726 External RC Frequency Temperature Test | 11/30/2010 |
| AP-SZ048_20080822.zip | 1.2 | SZ048 EEPROM Series Application Note | 10/29/2010 |
| AP-GAXXXX_09CV10.zip | 1.0 | 4-Bit Microcontroller 利用RFC功能 快速偵測體溫值 使用說明 Application Note
| 6/29/2010 |
| AP-GAXXXX_08CV10.pdf | 1.0 | 4-Bit Microcontroller Watch Dog功能使用注意事項Application Note | 6/29/2010 |
| AP-TM87XX_15CV10.pdf | 1.0 | 低電壓偵測電路 | 6/29/2010 |
| AP-GAXXXX_07EV10.pdf | 1.0 | LCD waveform and selection guide for TM87 & TM89 series IC Application Note | 3/15/2010 |
| AP-GAXXXX_06EV10.pdf | 1.0 | TM87 & TM89 series Application Note –
Points for attention in using OTP IC Program | 10/16/2009 |
| AP-TM87XX_02EV13.pdf | 1.3 | The solution to “How to avoid the Crystal oscillator being stopped by external interference when BCF flag is cleared to 0?” as TM87 series products applying to 3V power supply and LCD 1/3 bias. | 9/18/2009 |
| AP-SZ031_20090723.zip | 1.0 | LED Clock+Lunar Calendar | 9/4/2009 |
| AP-SZ027_20090710.zip | 1.0 | SZ027_01 4 Bit Microcontroller Application Note-Demo program resource usage illustration;SZ027_02 4 Bit Microcontroller Application Note-The Temperature Sensor Interface | 7/10/2009 |
| AP-TM87XX_09EV13.pdf | 1.3 | How to implement the transmission of UART on TM8725, TM8726 and DEMO BOARD | 7/10/2009 |
| AP-SZ032_20090710.zip | 1.0 | SZ032_01 4 Bit Microcontroller Application Note-Illustration for the Lunar Calendar query algorithm | 7/10/2009 |
| AP-SZ044_20090710.zip | 1.0 | SZ044 4 Bit Microcontroller Application Note-
The day in the week automatic adjustment | 7/10/2009 |
| AP-TM87XX_01EV11.pdf | 1.1 | TM87 series 4 Bit Microcontroller Application Note-
The solution to the “power on reset” problem during installing the battery procedure in 3V power supply and LCD 1/3 bias application。 | 5/26/2009 |
| AP-SZ062_20090519.zip | 1.0 | Introduction to all clock modes in the TM87 series | 5/19/2009 |
| AP-SZ081_20090316.zip | 1.1 | How to use Key-Matrix Scanning function of TM87xx series MCU | 3/17/2009 |
| AP-SZ077_20090316.zip | 1.2 | How to make bonding option for TM87/89 series MCU? | 3/16/2009 |
| AP-SZ061_20090226.zip | 1.3 | Using an I/O port to implement the key control function | 3/16/2009 |
| AP-SZ034_20080829.zip | 1.2 | SZ034 RCC Receive Block | 3/16/2009 |
| AP-SZ028_20080827.zip | 1.2 | SZ028 Infrared Remote Controller Application Note | 3/16/2009 |
| AP-TM87XX10EV12.pdf | 1.2 | The application note for using large-size LCD panel | 2/26/2009 |
| AP-TM8724_02EV10.pdf | 1.0 | TM8724 Electrical Characteristics | 11/1/2006 |
| AP-TM8727_01EV10.pdf | 1.0 | TM8727 Electrical Characteristics | 10/2/2006 |
| SZ030.zip | 1.2 | 12位數計算機之程式設計與功能說明 | 9/22/2006 |
| SZ029.zip | 1.2 | 如何利用tenx TM87系列MCU的IO port來實現RS-232的雙向傳輸功能 | 9/22/2006 |
| SZ026.zip | 1.2 | 如何利用tenx TM87系列MCU的IO port來實現溫度以及溼度的量測 | 9/22/2006 |
| SZ083.zip | 1.1 | 介紹tenx TM87系列MCU的interrupt功能 | 8/31/2006 |
| SZ082.zip | 1.1 | 介紹tenx TM87系列MCU的HALT以及STOP功能 | 8/31/2006 |
| SZ035.zip | 1.2 | 如何利用tenx TM87系列MCU來實現1/100秒的碼表計時功能 | 8/31/2006 |
| SZ038.zip | 1.3 | 帶正負號及浮點12位數字之平方根的程式設計與原理說明 | 8/31/2006 |
| AP-TM87ICE01EV11.pdf | 1.1 | How to measure and adjust the frequency of oscillator on TM87 ICE and DEMO BOARD | 8/31/2006 |
| AP-TM8722_01EV10.pdf | 1.0 | TM8722 electrical characteristics | 8/31/2006 |
| AP-TM8726_01EV10 .pdf | 1.0 | TM8726 Electrical Characteristics | 8/31/2006 |
| AP-TM87XX_12EV10.pdf | 1.0 | The difference between Demo Board/TM8795 and Mask type MCU in CX/SEG24 pin function | 4/26/2006 |
| AP-TM8795_01EV10.pdf | 1.0 | TM8795 Electrical Characteristics | 4/26/2006 |
| AP-TM87XX08EV11.pdf | | BCF flag | |
| AP-TM87XX05EV11.pdf | | The application of large-sized LCD panel | |
| AP-TM87XX07EV10.pdf | | Notes in using TM87 series to design Infra-Red remote controller | |
| AP-TM87XX03EV11.pdf | | TM87 series products apply to 3V power supply and LCD 1/3 bias. The following is the application circuit used to prevent the interference from piezoelectricity effect of the Buzzer | |
| AP-TM87XX04EV11.pdf | | Load capacitance and frequency tolerance of 32,768Hz Crystal Oscillator | |