tenx released TP6931 is USB 2.0 Full Speed stereo output speaker, still
has 44.1 kHz/48 kHz high performance sampling audio frequency application.
TP6931 uses high performance digital output and built-in high power amplifier.
Based on the audio source movement, it automatically synchronizes transmission
and auto-adjusts the sampling rate of audio frequency, which greatly increases
the audio frequency function of product. Additionally, the high power amplifier
can provide more powerful and perfect sound effect.
TP6931 is highly integrated with peripheral element design, combines USB
transceiver with 3.3V regulator, built-in class D high power amplifier,
the output power of the speaker is up to 2.0W. It provides VOL+、VOL- and
Mute function buttons as digital volume adjustment, and also 64-level volume
precise adjustment. The operating voltage is 4.5V~5.5V, system operating
frequency is up to 24 MHz. Its extra IR-Remote infra red transceiver can
use infra red remoter to control functions including: Media, Play/Pause,
Next, Previous, VOL+, VOL-, Mute, etc… Its complete design of multimedia
keyboard can provide user higher performance product application, TP6931
is a powerful IC especially designed for audio speaker, with package type